Sunday, December 12, 2010

excerpt from dirty dubdd



The shot will be of Nancy smiling and waving as she walks up to Aaron and Phil.

NANCY: What’s up guys?


The shot will be of Phil and Aaron looking up at Nancy from their chair.

PHIL: Hey Nancy.

AARON: What up?


Nancy is pulling a chair up to the table and sitting down.

NANCY: Ya know… Not shit really. Just grabbin’ some coffee before work.

PHIL (DISEMBODIED): Ah work sucks. Aaron, you don’t have to worry about that though do you?



The shot is of Aaron sneering at Phil.

AARON: Maaan, fuck that.

NANCY (DISEMBODIED): What happened?


Phil is pointing at Aaron and leaning towards Nancy, laughing. Aaron is off to the side.

PHIL: Someone didn’t hear their alarm clock this morning.

AARON: Whatever man. I don’t care.

NANCY: So they fired you?

AARON: Yeah. But it’s cool. I could probably get my job back at the movie theater.


Nancy is leaning back in her chair.

NANCY: You could always come work with me.

PHIL (DISEMBODIED): Or go back to school.


Aaron is grabbing another cigarette. Phil and Nancy are looking at him.

AARON: Maybe I’ll just skip town for a while. You wanna come with me, Nancy?

NANCY: Where do you think you’ll go?


PHIL: Not too far. You gotta have a little flow to be a travelin’ man.


Aaron is standing up. Phil and Nancy look up at him.

AARON: I don’t know. I’ll hitch-hike, Phil. Let’s see what Benson’s up to.



Aaron and Phil are walking in the parking lot of the coffee shop. The shot should be from the ground (near the outdoor table and chairs) look out to the lot. Only Aaron and Phil’s legs should be shown.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

bloggity blog blog. the return

The semester is ova! Still don't know what to do. I climbed 23 trees today in a P-Coat and a bad attitude. Then I invented the urinal cake and bolt action door knob. O many months a... a... well, a. I'm thinking about making coffee. I drank a pot while I climbed 23 trees today and spit a bunch. Jeez, whatdoya gotsta do ta-getta... getta... well, yeah. That's kinda what I thought.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


School's nearly over. Forever.... Naw, I'll go back. Maybe. A weird thing happened to be last month and I've been thinking about it since then. I realized that I've been in school for 20 years straight without a single year off. And now in two weeks I'll be done. It's weird. I kinda wish I wasn't done. I guess I got Peter Pan complex because I really don't wanna get a "real job" and do all that shit. I'm really not feelin' that Idea. But I don't know what else to do. Wait! I just hit me. I'm going to burn my Social Security Card, move to the woods and build a house out of mud.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Imagine She Said Carefully - Topic: Jane Toppan


It is 2:00 a.m. Yes, we are in Boston

Just one year past a new century-


Nurse Toppan prepares a dose

For Mr. Davis

Who waits restlessly under blankets

And fear.

She walks through Davis’ darken rooms

Blowing out each candle of every one before

She goes

Then in the last room where Davis lays

quiet and alone

“are we ready for a nightly sip?” (I imagine she said

carefully) not thinking about his heart

And gathers a syringe from the medical bag given to

Her at Cambridge and

Fills the needle full. Morphine, perhaps a touch of


Davis’ teeth clinch when the poison plunges

his veins and his breathing accelerates

and his mouth dries and his eyes close.

and Nurse Toppan softly unzips her white coat

with stains and removes her black shoes with dirt.

She stands over Davis only for a moment

then pulls the sheets back from Davis’ back

(He might have known and not cared, he might have

Read the newspapers and not recognized Nurse Toppan)

he knows her in his last moments with poisonous pleasure

in his tired veins; she slips innocently next to him, presses

against his body with her arms around his chest. she holds

him tightly and whispers “now, stop breathing”